


RM Micro Lesson Plan 2022-23



Department: MBA                                                                Subject: RETAIL MANAGEMENT        

 Year/Semester: II Year /III Semester                                 Elective: Marketing

Teacher: LAVANYA P B                                                                            Academic Year:  2022-23


Course Objectives:


CO 1

To make student understand evolution of Retailing management, decision making process, Indian Vs global retailing

CO 2

To make student analyze STP model of retailing, evaluating store and location and develop a strategy for retailer

CO 3

To make student understand various formats of retail, analyze retail marketing strategies, pricing strategies and make them create new strategies

CO 4

To make student understand CRM and IMC or retail marketing, analyze CRM and IMC and develop new strategies

CO 5

To make student understand globalization of retailing and various entry modes.


Course Outcomes:


§  Students will be able to understand evolution of retailing. They will be able to tell definitions, meanings, elements and various terms used in retailing management.


§  Students will exhibit a clear understanding of various marketing concepts, tools, techniques and strategies used by retailers serving their customers.


§  Students will be able to put across capability of making their own decisions in retail marketing space with case studies, management games and mind mapping exercises.


§  Students will be able to analyze and evaluate critically real life company situations and develop solutions for retailers.


Text book References:

Text book -1: Arif Sheikh and Kaneez Fatima, “Retail Management”, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai, 2014 .

Text book-2: Chetan Bajaj, Rajnish Tuli and Nidhi Varma Srivasstava, “Retail Management”, Oxford Higher Education, 2017.

Text book-3:  Swapna Pradhan, “ Retailing Management”, Tata  Mc Graw Hills, 2013.

Text book-4: Michael Levy, Barton A Weitz and Ajay Pandit, “Retailing Management” 6/e, The Tata McGraw Hill Companies, 2008

E source: Michael Levy, Barton A Weitz and Ajay Pandit, “Retailing Management” 10/e, The Tata McGraw Hill Companies https://www.theretailingmanagement.com/?cat=22 for case studies and videos


Acknowledgement- The references used in this Micro lesson plan from textbooks, websites, blogs, e-books and you tube videos are used only for academic purpose and they are the intellectual property of the respective authors, publishers and developers, I duly acknowledge and thank all of them.





Factual: Factual knowledge consist basic information about a particular subject or discipline that students must be acquainted with. This may include the terminology and the specific details or elements of a subject

·         Evolution of retailing (Unit – 1)

·         Structure of retailing (Unit – 1)

·         Elements of retailing decision making process (Unit – 1)

·         Retail Market segmentation (Unit – 2)

·         Targeting (Unit – 2)

·         Positioning (Unit – 2)

·         Elements of Marketing Mix (Unit – 2)

·         Store Location and Layout (Unit – 2)

·         Formats of Retailing (Unit – 3)

·         Meaning of Competitive advantage  (Unit – 3)

·         Meaning of pricing and its elements (Unit – 3)

·         Meaning of Customer Relationship management (Unit – 4)

·         Meaning of Communication and its elements (Unit – 4)

·         Meaning of Integrated marketing communication mix (Unit – 4)

·         Meaning of Internationalization of retailing (Unit – 5)


Conceptual: Conceptual knowledge consists of knowledge of, or understanding of concepts, principles, theories, models, classifications, etc. We learn conceptual knowledge through reading, viewing, listening, experiencing, or thoughtful, reflective mental activity.


















·         Economic Significance of Retailing (Unit – 1)

·         Retailing Management decision making process (Unit – 1)

·         Product Vs Service Retailing (Unit – 1)

·         Retailing scenario India Vs global (Unit – 1)

·         Market Segmentation process (Unit – 2)

·         Targeting the market and its decisions (Unit – 2)

·         Positioning for retailers and concepts of positioning (Unit – 2)

·         Store location decision making process and factors  (Unit – 2)

·         Various formats of Retail (Unit – 3)

·         Retail Planning process (Unit – 3)

·         Building sustainable competitive advantage (Unit – 3)

·         Gauging growth opportunities, retailer strategies (Unit – 3)

·         Decision making process for pricing, factors and strategies (Unit – 3)

·         Customer Relationship Management process, strategies (Unit – 4)

·         CRM and loyalty program for retailers (Unit – 4)

·         Retail marketing communication process, IMC mix and tools (Unit – 4)

·         Factors influencing use of sales promotions (Unit – 4)

·         Globalization of retailing, reasons and benefits (Unit – 5)

·         Market entry methods (Unit – 5)


Procedural:  Procedural knowledge is the knowledge exercised in the performance of some task.

·         Retaliating environment scanning for decision making (Unit – 1)

·         STP Model (Unit – 2)

·         Retailing strategy analysis for store location and layout (Unit – 2)

·         Assessment of competitive advantage of a retailer (Unit – 3)

·         Assessing sustainable retail strategies (Unit – 3)

·         Pricing strategy evaluation of a retailer (Unit – 3)

·         CRM strategy evaluation of a retailer (Unit – 4)

·         IMC strategy evaluation of a retailer (Unit – 4)

·         SWOT of Retailer in international market (Unit – 5)


Applied: Applied knowledge is learning that is used in various situations and contexts.

·         Creation of STP for retailers (Unit – 2)

·         Development of suitable location and layout decision (Unit – 2)

·         Development of marketing strategies for retailers in business growth and sustainability (Unit – 3)

·         Policy formulation for pricing (Unit – 3)

·         Analyze CRM of retailers (Unit – 4)

·         Can create and run successful promotional campaign (Unit – 4)

·         Can create a IMC basic module for small retailers using basic tools (Unit – 4)

·         Case study analysis (Unit- I to Unit-V)

·         Mini Reports and Presentations (Unit- I to Unit-V)


Schedule and Sequence:





Before Class-Videos, e-Books, Case Studies

In-Class-Activities, Quiz

Post-Class-Assignment, Discussion Forum


Unit –I Introduction to retailing








·    To understand evolution of retailing

·    To know the process of decision making in retail management and environmental factors analysis

·    To know the difference between Product retailing and Service Retailing

·    To understand retailing in Indian Vs global Scenario

Quiz on fundamental knowledge about marketing

TB  - 2 pages -1-3


Source- Internet


· Introductory video discussion – 15 minutes

· Lecture on Introduction to retailing using PPT-30 minutes

· Doubt clarification -  minutes

Discussion forum


Definition and nature of retailing

TB  - 1 pages -3-4


· Lecture on definition and nature of retailing using PPT – 40 minutes

· Discussion on retailing case – 15 minutes

Poll on introduction and discussion forum


Retailers in Distribution and structure of retailing in India

TB  - 1 pages -5-6


TB – 2 pages – 4-6

·  Lecture on Retailers in distribution and structure of retailing in India using PPT- 40 minutes

·  Examples of retailers in organized and unorganized retail by students – 15 minutes

Discussion forum on retailing structure


Economic Significance of Retailing


Source- Internet

TB – 2 pages- 3-4

·  Lecture on Economic significance of retailing to India -25 minutes

·  Discussion on IBEF report – 30 minutes

·  Doubts clarification – 5 minutes

Quiz on Economic significance of retailing

Discussion forum


Characteristics of Retailing

TB – 2 pages 7-8


·  Lecture on characteristics of retailing -30 minutes

·  Presentation by students in retail companies in India -20 minutes

Assignment: Collection and submission of one retail company operating in India


Importance of retailing to consumers, manufacturers and wholesalers

TB – 1 page6

 Hand out

·   Lecture on importance of retailing to consumers, manufactures and wholesalers using PPT – 40 minutes

·   Poll – 5 minutes

·   Doubts clarification basing on poll response – 5 minutes

Discussion forum and mind mapping of retail stores


Scope and functions of retailing

TB – 1 pages 7-10

TB -2 pages 8-9


·   Lecture on scope and functions of retailing – 45 minutes

·   Discussion and doubts clarification  - 10 minutes

Discussion forum


Retailing decision making process

TB – 4 pages 15- 22


·  Lecture on retailing decision making process – 45 minutes

·  Discussion on the topic and doubts clarification – 10 minutes

Quiz and discussion forum


Product Vs Service retailing, Introduction to Retailing Environment

TB – 1 pages


TB – 1 pages 32-33

Hand out

·  Lecture on Comparison of product and service retailing and introduction to retailing environment using PPT – 45 minutes

·  Examples of service product retailing with company examples by students basing on characteristics – 15 minutes

Poll and Discussion forum


Macro Environment factors

TB – 1 pages 32-33

Hand out

·  Lecture on Macro retailing environment using PPT – 45 minutes

·  Group discussion on macro factors influencing retailer decision making -10 minutes

Quiz and discussion forum


Macro and Micro Environment factors

TB – 1 pages 32-33

Hand out

·  Lecture on Macro and retailing environment using PPT – 45 minutes

·  Group discussion on micro factors influencing retailer decision making -10 minutes

Discussion forum


Indian Vs Global Retailing

TB 4: pages 93-101



Source- Internet

·  Lecture on Indian Vs Global Retailing using Kearney GRDI Index 2019 using PPT -40 minutes

·  Discussion Indian retail Industry performance and future developments basing on Kearney GRDI index – 15 minutes

Assignment – One page note on retail development in any two countries



Unit – 2 Market Segmentation introduction and stages















·    To analyse and apply STP model in retail space

·    To analyse and store location and site evaluation for retailers


1.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5bkkDhcYT4

2.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVsHd1XaIiM

3.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vgaLP5dP0w

Source- Internet

TB 2: pages 125-126

·  Market segmentation Video discussion using PPT – 7 minutes

·  Lecture on introduction to Market segmentation and stages – 45 minutes

·  Poll: 3 minutes

Assignment – One page note on STP of Tesla


Benefits and Prerequisites of Segmentation

TB 2: pages 126-127                

·  Lecture on benefits and prerequisites of segmentation using PPT – 45 minutes

·  Students presentation -10 minutes

Discussion forum


Dimensions of Segmentation Traditional

TB – 2: pages 128-130

·  Lecture on dimensions of segmentation using PPT – 45 minutes

·  Discussion on classification of Indian markets basing on Tier locations – 15 minutes for retailers


Assignment –One page note on dimensions of segmentation with retail company examples.


Dimensions of Segmentation Modern and targeting

TB 2: pages 130-134

TB 3: pages 485-486

·   Lecture on Value and Life style Segmentation and targeting using PPT – 45 minutes

·   Discussion and doubts clarification – 10 minutes

Discussion forum



Positioning decisions and limitations of segmentation

TB 3: pages 486-488

·  Lecture on positioning decisions limitations of segmentation using PPT -40 minutes

·  Doubt clarification on STP model -10 minutes 

Mini Project: Evaluate the STP of a retailer offering FMCG products and develop a STP model for an upcoming FMCG retailer.


Store Location and Layout: Introduction

TB 2: pages 162-163

TB 1: pages 111

Case study https://www.theretailingmanagement.com/?p=2248

Video Link http://www.wsj.com/video/brands-embrace-superheroes-to-boost-sales/F0D8AD95-EFB3-4F03-BCB1-D4FC2F89B6D3.html

Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Store Location and Layout using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Discussion on Video Link – 10 minutes

Team Work: Read the case study and submit your analysis within a week


Factors affecting Store location decisions

TB 2: 163-165

TB 1: pages 116


·      Lecture on Factors affecting Store location decisions -45 minutes

·      Poll -5 minutes

Observe the nearby retail stores and analyze factors influencing their location decisions


Types of retail store locations

TB 2: 165-170

TB 1: pages 112-116

·      Lecture on Types of retail store locations using PPT-45 minutes

·      Discussion and doubt clarification – 10 minutes

Find out the different formats of retails store available near your place and non store formats of retailers


Country/ Regional Analysis, Trade area analysis

TB 2: 170-171

TB 1: pages 116-120

·      Lecture on Country/ Regional Analysis, Trade area analysis using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Poll: 5 minutes

Do short trade area analysis in your nearby location


Site evaluation, Site selection

TB 2: pages171-178

TB 1: pages 112-116

·      Lecture on Site evaluation, Site selection using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Discussion on site evaluation – 10 minutes

Try to contact the mom and pop store and ask site selection process and evaluate the same


Location based retail strategies

TB 2: 171-178

·      Lecture on Location based retail strategies – 45 minutes

·      Discussion and doubt clarification – 5 minutes


Mini Project: Summarize the Store location and identify a new store location for an upcoming entrepreneur

Self Study: Store Layout atmospherics


Unit -3 Target Market and Retail Format Introduction and Types





·    To understand various formats of retail

·    To analyse Retail marketing strategies

·    To develop marketing strategies suitable for various retailers


TB 1: pages 13-27

TB 2: 26-55

Case study: https://www.theretailingmanagement.com/?p=2352

Video link http://www.wsj.com/video/amazoncom-four-major-challenges-ahead/80173A88-7357-418F-9A09-4A82DCD56B18.html

Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Target Market and Retail Format Introduction and Types using PPT -45 minutes

·      Poll and Discussion on video – 10 minutes

1. Self study: Advantages and disadvantages of each retail format

2. Team Work: Analyze the case and submit report within a week.


Retail Format Types

TB 1: pages 13-27

TB 2: pages 26-55

·      Lecture on Retail Format using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Discussion and doubt clarification – 5 minutes

Self study: Advantages and disadvantages of each retail format and submission of the same in report.


Gauging growth opportunities

 TB -4 pages 164-172

Case study https://www.theretailingmanagement.com/?p=2364

Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Gauging growth opportunities using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Poll – 5 minutes

Team Work: Analyze the case and submit report within a week.


Building Sustainable competitive advantage

TB 4: pages 157-164

Video lInk http://www.chainstoreage.com/article/nordstrom-does-instagram%E2%80%94-roof 

Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Building Sustainable competitive advantage using PPT -45 minutes

·      Discussion on video – 10 minutes

Assignment: Submit your opinion on sustainable competitive advantage with one retailer example


Strategic retail planning process

TB -4 pages 172-183

·      Lecture on Strategic retail planning process using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Quiz – 5 minutes

Discussion forum


Differentiation strategies and positioning decisions

TB -4 pages 164-172

·      Lecture on Differentiation strategies and positioning decisions using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Review on positioning strategies – 10 minutes

Assignment: Submit one page note on differentiation strategies




 Mid 1 Assessment

Preparation of Mini report by the Student on the given topic

Minimum 10 Minutes Presentation by each student

Improvement of presentation skills basing on faculty recommendations


Retail Pricing Introduction Establishing pricing policies


·    To know various pricing strategies used by retailers

·    To develop a pricing policy and strategy suitable for retailers

TB 1: pages 289-290

TB 4: pages 462-469

TB 2: pages 261-262

Video Link http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000398463&play=1 

Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Retail Pricing Introduction Establishing pricing policies using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Quiz on video link – 5 minutes

Mini Project:  Analyze and evaluate the pricing strategy of a selected retailer and prepare a report. Basing on the report, you should create pricing policy and pricing strategy suitable for an existing or upcoming retailer within one week from commencement of concept.


Factors influencing pricing

TB 1: pages 290-291

TB 4: pages 462-469

TB 2: pages 263-270

·      Lecture on Factors influencing pricing using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Discussion – 10 minutes doubt clarification about assignment

Discussion forum



Pricing strategies, Psychological pricing

TB 1: pages 291-297, 301-303

TB 4: pages 481-489

TB 2: pages 271-279

Video Link http://www.wsj.com/video/hermes-birkin-bag-sells-for-record-222k-at-auction/AB9FF01B-339A-4220-AE41-A6F0C59855E1.html

Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Pricing strategies, Psychological pricing using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Poll on Video – 5 minutes

Discussion forum



Markup and Markdown pricing

TB 1: pages 297-300

TB 4: pages 469-480

TB 2: pages 280-283

·      Lecture on Markup and Markdown pricing using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Summary and Doubt clarification about pricing – 10 minutes

Discussion forum



Unit -4 Customer Relationship Management in Retailing – Introduction






·    To know Customer relationship management in retailing

·    To understand relationship management and customer service in CRM

·    To apply CRM strategies for a specific retailer

·    To know IMC for retailers

·    To develop an IMC for a small retailer




TB 2: pages 352-354

TB 4: pages 346-364

Case study https://www.theretailingmanagement.com/?p=2245

Video Link


Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Customer Relationship Management in Retailing – Introduction using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Poll in Video – 5 minutes

Team Work: Analyze the case and submit your findings within a week from commencement of concept.


Benefits of CRM in Retailing

TB 2: pages 352-354


Source- Internet



·      Lecture on Benefits of CRM in Retailing using PPT – 40 minutes

·      Case discussion – 15 minutes

Quiz on Video link and concepts

Mini Project: Towards the end your should evaluate the CRM followed by a selected retailer including customer service, loyalty programmes and create a CRM module for small Retailer with available tools and technology (1 Week)


Management of relationships

TB 4: pages 346-364

·      Lecture on Management of relationships using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Discussion 5 minutes

Discussion forum and Quiz


Principles of CRM

TB 2: pages 354-356

·      Lecture on Principles of CRM using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Doubt clarification – 5 minutes

Discussion forum


CRM and its strategies

TB 2: pages 354-356

·      Lecture on CRM and its strategies using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Poll – 5 minutes

Discussion forum


Components of CRM

TB 4: pages 346-364

TB 3: pages 517-518

·      Lecture on Components of CRM using PPT – 45 minutes

·      GAP analysis – 10 minutes

Discussion forum


Customer service in retailing

TB 2: pages 356-359

TB 3: pages 518-526

Video Link http://www.wsj.com/video/fedex-delivered-on-christmas-to-ensure-on-time-packages/B5C05DEF-043B-43ED-A74F-EBFF29E60ED1.html

Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Customer service in retailing using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Poll on Video link – 5 minutes

Discussion forum



CRM and Loyalty programmes

TB 2: pages 359-370

Video Link http://vimeo.com/33449844

Source- Internet

·      Lecture on CRM and Loyalty programmes using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Pool on video – 5 minutes

Discussion forum



Understanding Integrated Marketing mix- process

TB 2: pages 288-289

TB 4: pages 493-516

TB 3: pages 491-503

Case study https://www.theretailingmanagement.com/?p=2251

Video Link:


Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Understanding Integrated Marketing mix- process using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Poll on video  - 5 minutes

Team Work: Analyze the case and submit report within a week.

Self study: Advantages and disadvantages of each marketing mix type, IMC budget preparation and measurement types


Tools of IMC

TB 2: pages 289-311


Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Tools of IMC

Mini Project:  you should analyze the IMC and tools used in IMC by a selected Retailer and submit report. Develop new IMC for a selected retailer using the tools available (1 Week)


Upcoming tools of IMC

TB 4: pages 516-519

·      Lecture on Upcoming tools of IMC using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Discussion and doubt clarification about assignment – 10 minutes

Discussion forum


Upcoming tools of IMC

TB 4: pages 516-519

·      Lecture on Upcoming tools of IMC using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Poll: 5 minutes

Discussion forum


Factors influencing the increased use of sales promotion

TB 1: pages 344-347

·      Lecture on Factors influencing the increased use of sales promotion using PPT – 55 minutes

·      Sales promotion campaign discussion – 5 minutes

Discussion forum


Unit -5: International retailing Introduction


·  To know evolution and stages of Internationalization in Retailing

·  To understand the reasons for internationalization and various entry modes


Handout  LPU 50-74

Case study https://www.theretailingmanagement.com/?p=2345

Source- Internet

·      Lecture on International retailing Introduction using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Discussion – 5 minutes

Team Work: Analyze the case and submit report within a week.



Stages in retail global evolution



Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Stages in retail global evolution using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Poll – 5 minutes

Discussion forum


Reasons for going global



Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Reasons for going global using PPT – 50 minutes


Discussion forum


Reasons for going global

Handout http://ebooks.lpude.in/management/mba/term_3/DMGT551_RETAIL_BUSINESS_ENVIRONMENT.pdf

Source- Internet

·         Lecture on Reasons for going global using PPT – 10 minutes

·         Group discussion – 40 minutes

Discussion forum


Other opportunities and benefits of going global



Source- Internet

·         Lecture on Other opportunities and benefits of going global – 45 minutes

·         Poll – 5 minutes



Market entry methods



Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Market entry methods using PPT – 45 minutes

·      Discussion – 5 minutes

Assignment: Submit one page note a selected retailer entry mode strategy


Market entry methods



Source- Internet

·      Lecture on Market entry methods using PPT – 50 minutes

·      Poll: 5 minutes

Discussion forum




 Mid 2 Assessment

Preparation of Mini report by the Student on the given topic

Minimum 10 Minutes Presentation by each student

Improvement of presentation skills basing on faculty recommendations



·         Mini Report: 5 Marks for Mid 1 & Mid 2 Separately (Write your assignments, case analysis and mini project on A4 papers and submit the report)

·         Presentation: 5 Marks for Mid 1 & Mid 2 Separately (You should present case analysis and  mini projects done during the mid)

·         Descriptive Exam: 15 Marks for Mid 1 & Mid 2 Separately

·         Total Mid marks 25 Marks: Average of Mid 1 & Mid 2 




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