


Leadership Management 2019-20



Department: MBA                Subject: LEADERSHIP MANAGEMENT                                   Year/Semester: II Year / III Semester   

Teacher : LAVANYA P B                                                                                                               Academic Year:  2019-20


Course Objectives:


CO 1

To know about Emerging leadership Behaviour, leadership for the new Millennium organizations, leadership in Indian Organizations. Leadership Effectiveness

CO 2

To know about the motivational theories for leadership like  Maslow’s, Herzberg theory X, Y and Z and Organizational Culture its dimensions 

CO 3

To have a clear idea about visions and goals for leaders in organizational building and how to develop and maintain positive attitude for effective leading through leadership attitude

CO 4

To know about Strategic leadership through leader self management Interpersonal leadership skills, leadership assertiveness

CO 5

To create awareness cross cultural leadership with the help of GLOBE research program of Wharton  school


Course Outcomes:


§  Students will be able to understand various terms used in Leadership Management.


§  Students will exhibit a clear understanding of various Leadership concepts, types, methods and approaches.


§  Students will be able to exhibit procedural knowledge in applying Leadership concepts to align for organizational building.


§  Students will be able to analyze and evaluate leadership contribution in organization’s performance and develop strategies for building strategic leaders.


Text book References:

1.      Peter G. Northhouse, Leadership, 2010, Sage Publication

2.      P. Subba Rao, Management Theory and Practice Text and Cases, Himalaya Publishing House, 2012

3.      Gary Yukl, Nishant Uppal, Leadership in Organizations, Pearson, 8 Edition

4.      Lussier, Achua, Effective Leadership, Cengage learning, 2008

5.      Ranjana Mittal, Leadership- Personal Effectiveness and Team building, Vikas Publishing House Private Limited, 2015

6.      Andrew J. DuBrin, Principles of Leadership with coursemate, Cengage Learning, 2018

7.      GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/







Factual: Factual knowledge consist basic information about a particular subject or discipline that students must be acquainted with. This may include the terminology and the specific details or elements of a subject

·         Leadership (Unit-1)

·         Components and Evaluation of leadership (Unit-1)

·         Leadership Skills (Unit-1)

·         Emerging leadership (Unit-1)

·         Leadership effectiveness (Unit-1)

·        Motivation (Unit-2)

·        Culture (Unit-2)

·        Employee Satisfaction (Unit-2)

·        Leadership Development (Unit-3)

·        Continuous Learning (Unit-3)

·        Vision and Goals (Unit-3)

·        Strategic leadership (Unit-4)

·        Self esteem (Unit-4)

·        Emotions (Unit-4)

·        Assertiveness (Unit-4)

·        Edification (Unit-4)

·        Creativity (Unit-4)

·        Circle of influence and circle of concern (Unit-4)

·        GLOBE Research (Unit-5)

·        Cultural context (Unit-5)

·        Leadership Dimensions (Unit-4)


Conceptual: Conceptual knowledge consists of knowledge of, or understanding of concepts, principles, theories, models, classifications, etc. We learn conceptual knowledge through reading, viewing, listening, experiencing, or thoughtful, reflective mental activity.

·         Theories of leadership (Unit-1)

·         Factors influencing leadership (Unit-1)

·         Leadership in Indian organizations (Unit-1)

·         Leadership in organizational building (Unit-1)

·         Theories of motivation (Unit-2)

·         Theories of culture (Unit-2)

·         Learning theories (Unit-3)

·         Types of attitudes (Unit-3)

·         Types of values (Unit-3)

·         Types of leadership skills (Unit-4)

·         Leadership Development types (Unit-4)

·         GLOBE research theory (Unit-1)

·         Characteristics of leaders among different nations (Unit-5)


Procedural:  Procedural knowledge is the knowledge exercised in the performance of some task.

·         Fiedler’s contingency model (Unit-1)

·         Path goal leadership (Unit-1)

·         Building emerging leadership (Unit-1)

·         Building leadership effectiveness using 3-D model and Hershey and Blanchard models (Unit-1)

·         Categorizing employees basing on different motivational theories and identifying distinctions (Unit-2)

·         Developing HR policies basing on Vroom’s expectancy theory (Unit-2)

·         Creating and changing organizational culture basing on culture adoption process in organizations (Unit-2)

·         Developing leadership basing on leadership development process (Unit-3)

·         Attitude Development of leaders basing attitude development training process (Unit-3)

·         Analyzing the role of emotions and other leadership skills in strategic leadership (Unit-4)

·         Developing assertive leaders basing on assertiveness models (Unit-4)

·         Process of team building (Unit-4)

·         Developing creativity and creative thinking among leaders (Unit-4)

·         Analyzing leadership among different countries for diversity management (Unit-5)


Applied: Applied knowledge is learning that is used in various situations and contexts.

·         Creating management development programmes for leadership building (Unit-1)

·         Developing suitable HR policies for motivating employees (Unit-2)

·         Building organizations as learning organizations (Unit-2)

·         Creating Vision and goals for organizational development (Unit-3)

·         Building Strategic leadership programmes (Unit-4)

·         Applying GLOBE research studies in building organizations at global level (Unit-5)

Schedule and Sequence:




Before Class-Videos, e-Books, Case Studies

In-Class-Activities, Quiz

Post-Class-Assignment, Discussion Forum



Leadership Definition, components and factors

·   To know about Emerging leadership Behaviour, leadership for the new Millennium organizations, leadership in Indian Organizations and leadership Effectiveness

TB I Page numbers 1-3

TB II Page numbers 417-444

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxEntJiIEd0

·      Ice breaking game on leadership

·      Lecture on Leadership Definition, components and factors

·      Analysis of game

Discussion Forum



Evolution and types of leadership

TB I Page numbers 4-14

·      Debate on Leaders born or made

·      Lecture on Evolution and types of leadership using PPT

Discussion Forum



Trait theory of leadership

TB I Page numbers 15-23

·      Lecture on Trait theory of leadership using PPT

·      Duo activity of listing traits of leaders

Discussion Forum



Content theories of leadership

TB I Page numbers 39-52

·      Lecture on Content theories of leadership using PPT

·      Quiz on content theories

Discussion Forum



Fiedler’s contingency theory

TB I Page numbers 113-120

·      Lecture on Fiedler’s contingency theory

Preparation of leadership model using contingency theory



Path goal theory of leadership

TB I Page numbers 127-137

·      Lecture on Path goal theory of leadership using PPT

·      Relevance of Path goal theory and motivation relevance discussion

Discussion Forum



Vroom’s expectancy theory

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·      Lecture on Vroom’s expectancy theory

·      Discussion about Vroom’s contribution to motivation, leadership and decision making

Discussion Forum



Emerging models – transformational leadership

TB I Page numbers 175-194

·      Lecture on Emerging models – transformational leadership

Collect one global corporate leadership style and present along with company



Transactional, charismatic and visionary leader

TB I Page numbers 175-194

·   Lecture on Transactional, charismatic and visionary leader

·   Team work – Present arguments for and against each form of leadership

Discussion Forum



Leadership for new millennium and leadership in Indian organisations

TB I Page numbers 175-194

·   Lecture on Leadership for new millennium and leadership in Indian organizations

·   Students presentation of millennium leadership styles

Discussion Forum



Leadership effectiveness- Reddin’s 3D model

TB I Page numbers 237-261

·   Lecture on leadership effectiveness- Reddin’s 3D model

·   Compare and contrast between 3D model and Managerial grid by students

Discussion Forum



Hershey and Blanchard Model

TB I Page numbers 237-261

·   Lecture on Hershey and Blanchard Model using PPT

·   Construction of Hershey and Blanchard model in teams for better understanding

Discussion Forum



Hershey and Blanchard Model

TB I Page numbers 237-261

·   Discussion about Hershey and Blanchard Model and its usage in companies

Discussion Forum



Driving leadership effectiveness

TB I Page numbers 237-261

·   Discussion on Driving leadership effectiveness

·   Doubts clarification

Assess leadership using any leadership effectiveness model



Leadership for organisational building

TB IV Page numbers 10-12

·   Lecture on leadership for organizational building using PPT

·   Leadership Building game

Discussion Forum



Motivation, motives and motivating

·     To know about the motivational theories for leadership like  Maslow’s, Herzberg theory X, Y and Z and Organizational Culture its dimensions 

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Quiz on motivation concepts

·  Lecture on Motivation, motives and motivating using PPT

Discussion Forum


Leadership and motivation

TB II Page numbers 367-392

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_uZ8AZfPTU


·  Lecture on Leadership and motivation using PPT

Discussion Forum


Need and importance of motivation

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Students presentation on need and importance of motivation

Discussion Forum


Maslow’s and Herzberg theories of motivation

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Lecture on Maslow’s and Herzberg theories of motivation using PPT

Discussion Forum


Similarities and distinguish between Maslow and Herzberg theories

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Students presentation on similarities and distinguish between Maslow and Herzberg theories

Discussion Forum


Theory X, Y and Z

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Lecture on Theory X, Y and Z

Prepare one page note on how and when will be theory Theory X and Theory Y effective


Alderfer’s ERG theory, McClelland theory of needs

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Lecture on Alderfer’s ERG theory, McClelland theory of needs using PPT

Compare among different content theories of motivation


Vroom’s Expectancy theory

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Lecture on Vroom’s Expectancy theory

·  Calculate motivation factor F using Expectancy theory

Discussion Forum


Porter and Lawler theory of needs

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Lecture on Porter and Lawler theory of needs

·  Develop individuals goals and their path

Discussion Forum


Motivation, satisfaction and performance relation

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Lecture on Motivation, satisfaction and performance relation using PPT

Discussion Forum


Emerging challenges in motivating employees

TB II Page numbers 367-392

·  Discussion on Emerging challenges in motivating employees

Develop some HR policies motivating employees


Organisational culture meaning, definition and dimensions

TB I Page numbers 301-326

·  Lecture on Organizational culture meaning, definition and dimensions using PPT

·  Discussion on impact of culture on the employees

Discussion Forum


Managing organisational culture

·     To have a clear idea about visions and goals for leaders in organizational building and how to develop and maintain positive attitude for effective leading through leadership attitude

TB I Page numbers 301-326

·  Lecture on managing organizational culture using PPT

·  Students brainstorming on creating and building culture in organizations

Present one organization’s culture and How it is present in its leadership


Changing organisational culture

TB I Page numbers 301-326

·  Lecture on Changing organizational culture using PPT

·  Paired work- How to change exiting culture and adopt new culture?

Case study


Leadership Development – Introduction

TB III Page numbers 403-422

·  Discussion - Why Leadership development is required?

·  Lecture on Leadership Development – Introduction using PPT

Discussion Forum


Leadership Development significance

TB III Page numbers 403-42

·  Lecture on Leadership Development significance in organizations

Discussion Forum


Leadership development process

TB III Page numbers 403-42

·  Lecture on leadership development process using management game

Discussion Forum


Principles of learning for leadership

TB IV Page numbers 378-386

·  Lecture on Principles of learning for leadership

·  Quiz on leadership theories

Learn new research contributions in theories of learning


Learning theories

TB IV Page numbers 378-386

·   Lecture on Learning theories using PPT

Discussion Forum



Learning theories

TB IV Page numbers 378-386

·   Discussion on how Learning theories help leaders

Discussion Forum





 Mid 1 Assessment

Preparation of Mini report by the Student on the given topic

Minimum 10 Minutes Presentation by each student

Improvement of presentation skills basing on faculty recommendations



Vision and goals for organisation – significance of goals

·   To know about Strategic leadership through leader self management Interpersonal leadership skills, leadership assertiveness

TB VI Page numbers 449-468

·   Lecture on Vision and goals for organisation – significance of goals

·   Create a sample Vision and being a leader

Collect vision and mission of companies with employee and leadership focus



Charting vision and goals of Indian leaders- abroad

TB VI Page numbers 449-468

·   Lecture on Charting vision and goals of Indian leaders- abroad

Collect Indian Global corporate leaders and their contributions



Tools for developing dreams for effective leader

TB VI Page numbers 449-468

·   Lecture on tools for developing dreams for effective leader using PPT

Discussion Forum



Leaders’ vision in organisation’s building

TB VI Page numbers 449-468

·   Lecture on Leaders’ vision in organisation’s building using cases

Discussion Forum



Leadership attitude

TB V Page numbers 132-170

·   Leadership attitude using PPT

·   Attitude building importance discussion

Discussion Forum



Developing and maintaining positive attitude

TB VI Page numbers 449-468

TB V Page numbers 132-170

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2Oc-dvSsDw

·   Lecture on Developing and maintaining positive attitude using PPT

Case study



Strategic leadership – Introduction

·   To know about Strategic leadership through leader self management Interpersonal leadership skills, leadership assertiveness

TB V Page numbers 115-126

·   Lecture on Strategic leadership – Introduction using PPT

Discussion Forum



Self management importance

TB V Page numbers 115-126

·   Lecture on Self management importance using PPT

Discussion Forum



Developing self esteem and balancing emotions

TB V Page numbers 115-126

EQ Test

·   Lecture on Developing self esteem and balancing emotions using PPT

·   Discussion on EQ test results

Discussion Forum



Interpersonal leadership skills- basic

TB I Page numbers 39-52


·   Communication Game

·   Lecture on Interpersonal leadership skills- basic

Discussion Forum



Interpersonal leadership skills-advanced

TB I Page numbers 39-52

·   Lecture on interpersonal leadership skills-advanced using PPT

Discussion Forum



Praise, criticism and communicate

TB I Page numbers 39-52

·   Lecture on Praise, criticism and communicate

·   Discussion on effective utilization of advanced leadership skills

Case study



Leadership assertiveness

TB VI Page numbers 306-344

·   Lecture on leadership assertiveness using PPT

·   Quiz

Discussion Forum



Circle of influence and circle of concern

TB VI Page numbers 306-344

·   Lecture on Circle of influence and circle of concern


Write the Highlights of Stephen Covey book



Leadership edification tools

TB VI Page numbers 481-504

·   Lecture on Leadership edification tools

·   Discussion on leader centered and follower centered tools

Discussion Forum



Leadership and creativity- developing creative thinking

TB VI Page numbers 412-437

·   Lecture on Leadership and creativity- developing creative thinking

·   Test your creativity

Discussion Forum



Leadership and team building

TB VI Page numbers 170-193

TB V page numbers 200-224

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fbE52YDEjU

·   Team Building game

·   Lecture on leadership and team building

Discussion Forum



Principles of team building and team building process

TB VI Page numbers 170-193

TB V page numbers 200-224

·   Lecture on Principles of team building and team building process using PPT

Discussion Forum



Individual Vs Group Vs Team

TB I Page numbers 200-224

·   Discussion on Individual Vs Group Vs Team

Prepare activities which you would like to do individually, in group and in team



Leadership and Integrity- developing leaders with values

TB VI Page numbers 170-193

TB V page numbers160-170

TB IV page numbers 357-364

·   Lecture on leadership and Integrity- developing leaders with values

Discussion Forum



Leadership in cross cultural context

·   To create awareness cross cultural leadership with the help of GLOBE research program of Wharton  school

TB III Page numbers 382-400

TB VI page numbers 36-60

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Lecture on Leadership in cross cultural context using PPT

Collect Highlights of GLOBE Research study



Characteristics of global leader

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Role play on leadership styles across globe,

·   Lecture on Characteristics of global leader using PPT

Discussion Forum



Significance and functions of global leader

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Lecture on significance and functions of global leader

Discussion Forum



GLOBE research programme

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Lecture on GLOBE research programme using PPT

Discussion Forum



Challenges of leaders across culture and values

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Discussion on challenges of leaders across culture and values

Discussion Forum



Cultural dimensions

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Lecture on Cultural dimensions of GLOBE research findings

Discussion Forum



Leadership dimensions

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Lecture on Leadership dimensions of GLOBE research findings

Discussion Forum



Leadership across various countries

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Lecture on Leadership across various countries study by GLOBE

Discussion Forum



Leadership across various countries

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Lecture on Leadership across various countries using PPT

Discussion Forum



Implications of global leadership

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Discussion on implications of global leadership using PPT

Discussion Forum



Leadership and CSR

GLOBE Research - https://globeproject.com/

·   Lecture on Leadership and CSR using PPT

Collect at least one company CSR initiatives





 Mid 2 Assessment

Preparation of Mini report by the Student on the given topic

Minimum 10 Minutes Presentation by each student

Improvement of presentation skills basing on faculty recommendations



·         Mini Report: 10 Marks for Mid 1 & Mid 2 Separately (Write your assignments, case analysis and mini project on A4 papers and submit the report)

·         Presentation: 10

·         Marks for Mid 1 & Mid 2 Separately (You should present case analysis and  mini projects done during the mid)

·         Descriptive Exam: 20 Marks for Mid 1 & Mid 2 Separately

·         Total Mid marks 20 Marks: Average of Mid 1 & Mid 2 


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